Engage The Enemy Seminar/Webinar

My “Principles for Purpose” seminar is designed to empower men with the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to develop and strengthen their resilience. Whether you're a military veteran, first responder, or business man, this seminar offers practical insights and actionable steps to help you not only withstand adversity but also grow and thrive in it. This seminar is based off my Engage the Enemy book available in my online store.


Take The Lead Seminar/Webinar

I believe in leadership and the impact it can have on an individual, a family, a community or an organization. This workshop is about personal leadership and is based on my book, Take the Lead. Take the Lead is about owning your life. I believe in order to see your life improve, chase your dreams, and accomplish your goals, you have to take ownership of your current season. This seminar is based off my book, Take the Lead, available in my online store.


Jump Seat Leadership Seminar/Webinar

The Jump seat leadership seminar is all about informal leadership in the fire service. The fire service has suffered due to the lack of leadership at the informal levels, and we are changing that. We are slowly losing experience as men and women retire. We cannot forget how important it is to teach the next generation of firefighters to lead from the jump seat. You can lead without a promotion. This seminar is based off my book, Jump Seat Leadership, available in my online store.